Voicemail Greeting Scripts for Your Business

In today’s bustling industry, your voicemail greeting often serves as the initial point of contact for potential collaborators, consumers, and clients. A well-crafted voicemail greeting is more than simply a boilerplate; it’s an essential tool for communication and a representation of your brand. 

Voicemail should be set up for your business, regardless of size. But what are you going to record? Here are a few business scenarios that we looked into and a professionally crafted voicemail greeting script. 

Ideal length for a Business Voicemail Greeting to keep it Engaging 

An excessively long voicemail greeting may annoy callers, while one that is short enough could leave out important information. So what is the ideal length? The sweet spot: is 20–30 seconds.

This timeframe is sufficient to deliver important information while still being brief enough to capture the caller’s interest. Voicemail greetings that remain more than 30 seconds typically lose their impact, as it has been observed for a long time people have limited attention spans. 

A voicemail greeting should encourage the caller to take a certain type of action, like leaving a message or following up in another way. 

Let’s examine some typical seals to stay away from.

  1. Avoid offering too much information. This may confuse the caller and extend the greeting beyond its recommended duration.
  2. Remain friendly but professional. An awkward or extremely formal greeting can turn someone off.
  3. Stay away from lengthy explanations. Just acknowledge it and proceed to the next action. 

11 Best Professional Voicemail Greetings For Your Business 

Business voicemail greetings are extremely useful since they help you develop a relationship from early on. Alternatively, they enable the simple communication of an important update.  

1. Common Business Greetings 

Hello, you’ve reached AX Multi-Company.

We’re currently unavailable to take your call, but your business is important to us. Please leave your name, contact info, and a brief message, we’ll contact you as soon as possible. Thank you!

2. Busy-line greeting 

Hii, you’ve reached XYZ business.

All of our representatives are currently assisting other clients. Please leave your contact details, we’ll return your call shortly. 

3. Holiday greeting

Thank you for contacting the B.N.X Firm.

We’re closed for the holiday & will reopen tomorrow. Please leave your message & we’ll reach out to you when we return.

4. Sales inquiry greeting 

Thank you for contacting ABX Business.

Currently, we are unavailable to take your call, but if you’re interested in our products/services, please leave your name & number. Will call back you shortly. Have a great day!  

5. Emergency contact greeting 

Hello, thank you for contacting I.G Business.

If this is an emergency, please call ********. Otherwise, please leave your message along with your name & contact number and I will return your call as soon as possible. 

6. Personalized greetings for VIP clients

Hello, you’ve reached D.F.C Inc.

As a valued client, we want to ensure your needs are met successfully. Please leave your message. And we’ll prioritize your call as soon as possible.

7. After hours greeting 

Thank you for calling. Our office is currently closed.

Our business working hours are 10:00 am to 6:45 pm. Please leave your message along with contact details & will return your call during regular business hours. Thank you! 

8. New customer greeting 

Hii, You’ve reached Y.K Gropz. If you’re a new customer, welcome!

We look forward to assisting you. Leave a message with your details and we’ll be in touch soon. 

9. Out-of-office greeting 

Hi, it’s Rizay from BNX Business.

I’m currently out of the office but will return shortly. Make sure to leave your name & contact number & I’ll get back to you soon. Thank you! 

10. In- Conference Greeting 

Hello sir/mam.. Thank you for contacting XYZ Business.

We’re currently attending a conference but will be back shortly. So, please leave us a message with your inquiry. We’ll try to contact you as soon as possible. 

11. Business website inquiry 

Hello, it’s Fizz Company.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our business website or services, please leave your name, phone number, email, and brief message. I’ll get back to you shortly. Thank you! 


A remarkable voicemail greeting that maintains trust can be achieved by focusing on the tone of voice, speech clarity, and relevance of the information.  To achieve this, therefore;  Take a look at our advanced ringless voicemail AI, which includes features like voice cloning and sentiment analysis to make each voicemail greeting more personalized through the use of AI.  

Jay Thakkar